This is your brain on yoga

brain on yoga

Boy I hope so. Today has been a rough day. Overall things are stressful. I’m banking on how it felt yesterday, that little ball of rage that was in my stomach as i hit red light after red light as I tried my hardest to get to class JUST in the nick of time. I did get there, and it was a good class. But the pre-class almost killed me. I’m running between SERIOUS pent-up rage and yoga-calm. Not sure this is entirely good. I got there, though, and practice was good.

The instructor just laughed when I got there and said that I had been scared they would have the doors locked. He said they had a cartoon at a different studio that was an old lady with a walker making her way across the street on a cross walk, and the guy was hanging out the window screaming at her, eyes bulging fist raised “get out of the way, i’m late for yoga!” and we laughed… cause its true haha. Luckily hte class wasn’t crowded, though, and I got a spot on the cooler side of hte room. Just had a few minutes to acclimate before starting right up.

Funny how you ask something then it ends up right in your face. I was talking about the deep breathing and its point, and the instructor started right off with a short lecture about its importance in warming the body up, getting everything ready to go. its like a warm-up to a jog, getting the oxygen all throughout the body and giving your body the signals that we’re about to work it out. So there. I still hate it, but at least i have my information straight.

We went right through it, this guy was a riot. Reminded me alot of Bob from my old apartment. He talked alot (and I think it ended up costing us in savasana later on… ) but he chatted alot.At one point(standing head to knee) he goes to one girl “whats your name? Linda? Linda, who told you you could put your head down? did Cheryl tell you that?” lol. I forget what all the real names were, but it was a riot. this chick was going for it- granted, i guess she missed a few steps- and he’s like ‘who told you you could put yuour head down?!’ i laughed to myself. then later, we’re doing more and more and he’s just chatting. I can’t think of all the things he said that made me laugh, but I had a pretty light-hearted class. Plus it was cooler. So, it was a good/less intense class.

He complimented me on my standing bow pulling pose. I’m doing better and better. It sure was slippery after the pedicures! My legs were still all lotiony, and I was remembering how the first guy hated on me for using my towel, but in my head i was saying ‘no but its all lotiony!’ but actually the extra slip made Eagle extra good. VERRRRYY slippery, my leg got WAY more than wrapped around. And camel was even better on my lower back, i was lifting my hips up a little bit. Hamstrings are finally starting to loosen up. Knee locked on and off standing separate leg head to knee, *just a few times* and situps are easier and easier on the second stretch.

It’s a funny feeling,because it was actually an exact week (7 days) but in my head i was saying ‘this is like 10 days’ like 5-6 days was a week, and now that i’m actually DONE wiht 7, it’s more like 10 (i only have to do 8, 9, and 10). then i’m a third of the way done! I’ve heard that major changes happen right around the end of week one- one girl who’s blog ive been reading had a big emotional breakdown (plus i’m prime PMS time… bonus!) right around now. So. I’m trying to just keep it cool, and focus on what I can control. Get to class, and do my best.

Today during a stressful moment I had two truffles leftover from Kathy, and a hot chocolate. Not too bad, but I hope it wasn’t too rich and kicks me in the butt during class.  Wish me luck, class 8!

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